For Christ’s love compels us
2 Corinthians 5:14-15
It is our goal to reach out to our community and to extend our reach to the whole world. Not primarily to provide water, clothes, shelter, food, or safety, although we often do meet some of these physical needs. These aren’t our primary concern because we believe we can offer something far greater. We go in order to share the good news of the gospel; that Christ took our place on the cross so that we could gain his reward which is eternal life in fellowship with God. While it’s true that we are directed by Jesus to be on mission, this isn’t an obligation. We love others and share the gospel of Jesus Christ with them out of an overflow of our experience. We truly believe that there is nothing better, nor more fulfilling than being in relationship with Jesus and living a life devoted to Him. It’s a conviction that compels us to move outward, toward those that are hurting, broken, and lost. We go, so that we might share with them the good news that there is hope, purpose, and fulfillment in Christ. We go, in hopes that they too will be able to experience the love of Christ that has given us new life. Jesus commands his disciples to go out into the world and make disciples, but he also gives them a promise that he will be with them to the end of the age. This gives us the confidence to go boldly, knowing that even if we are by ourselves we do not go out alone, for God is with us always. We simply can’t help but to go!