It's time to get started.

At Mauldin Methodist, we want you to be able to connect with others, grow in your faith, and find a way that you can use your gifts and talents to further the work that God is doing in our church and the broader community. Below is a list of steps that you can take to get involved. It’s not a checklist and they aren’t necessarily in order. But, they are a helpful roadmap for those looking to grow in their faith and get more involved (which should be everyone right).

Connect With Us

We’d love to get to know you better and we are sure you feel the same way! Let’s be honest, trying to find a church to call home is kind of like looking for a spouse. You may have questions about our theological distinctives, curiosities about our missions projects, or simply want to get to know our staff better.  Fill out the contact card below or call the church office (864-288-4728) to get info. 

Join the Family

While we want you to connect with us as a church, we desire, most of all, for you to connect with God! He loves you so much and desires to have a relationship with you. But the one problem standing in the way was our own sin. We all disobey God, and we do this intentionally. We stand opposed to God, because we love other things more and think we know better. But despite all our faults and flaws, God loved us so much that he gave His only son, so that we might have a restored relationship with Him. Jesus paid the penalty for our sin, so that we could reap the reward of His life; eternal life and a deep and fulfilling relationship with God. All that is required of us is that we believe in our heart and confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord. You can pray now to begin this relationship if you’d like or you can contact us to help! We would love to pray with you and celebrate what God is doing in your life. Contact a pastor by clicking the link below.

grow in discipleship

There is so much more to the Christian life than just coming to church on Sunday. We want to help give you the tools to read and understand the scriptures, apply Biblical truth to your everyday life, develop a pattern of prayer, and experience personal growth (even on the other 6 days). There are many Bible studies and Sunday school classes that you can join, but if you are new, we recommend starting with our membership class. Whether you have been a christian all your life, or met Jesus for the first time last week, this course will offer you valuable instruction to propel you further in your walk with Jesus and help you get plugged into the church. We offer this course quarterly and it is required for all new members. To get more info on our next membership class or current class offerings please click the link below.
Live in community

Live in community

One of the best ways to not only grow, but to demonstrate our faith to the world is through living in community. Our community groups are designed to be relational and practical rather than instructional. These are not Bible studies. Rather they are groups devoted to prayer, accountability, helping each other apply biblical truths to everyday life, and encouraging each other to live on mission. 

Engage in Ministry

We are passionate about the work that God is doing through our church to reach our city, state, nation, and the world. And we firmly believe that we all have a role to play in that mission. We all have different gifts and we are called to faithfully use those gifts to further the spread of the gospel. We want to help you not only discover your gifts, but use them to spread the good news of Christ. Whether it is hosting a community group, helping kids learn about Jesus in Mkids or Club45, greeting guests and making sure they feel at home, overseeing missions projects with the Loft, or pitching in behind the scenes with the Productions team, your support and help is vital! There are plenty of opportunities to serve here at Mauldin Methodist and we want you to experience the enjoyment of using your gifts for the kingdom of God. Sign up to serve by filling out our volunteer interest form.

Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.