Doctrinal Beliefs
The following are the core beliefs of Mauldin Methodist Church based on the foundational truths taught in the bible. All of our teaching and ministry is rooted in and flows out of these biblical doctrines.
God is trinity
The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are distinct but inseparable, eternally one in essence and power.
God is father
All people are created and loved by God. The Father rules with gracious regard for the well-being and salvation of men, for the ultimate purpose of bringing glory to His name.
God is son
He is fully God and fully man. He is the eternal Word made flesh, the only begotten Son of the Father. As a man He lived without sin, suffered and died on the cross. He was buried and rose from the dead and became the ultimate sacrifice for our sins.
Is God-inspired and our ultimate source of authority.
We believe the Holy Bible, both Old and New Testaments, reveals the Word of God and is our true rule and guide for all of our life.
We believe the Holy Bible, both Old and New Testaments, reveals the Word of God and is our true rule and guide for all of our life.
All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and are inclined to evil. Apart from the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ we have no hope of being saved.
The offering Christ freely made on the cross is the perfect sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. No other satisfaction is required and nothing else would be sufficient. Jesus is the only way to the Father.
The Body of Christ
The Christian Church is the community of all true believers under the Lordship of Christ. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Church exists to bring glory to God through worship, to edify the believer through the preaching of God’s word, and to continue the ministry of reconciliation to the world.